social, political, and environmental transformation promoting sustainability, advancing social justice organizational leadership and transformation

Trew Potential

A more just and livable world begins with more just and livable organizations. 

Trew Potential

Organizational Consulting & Facilitation

With services and tools tailored to your unique needs, we support organizations to transform their culture, develop their leadership skills and competencies, and establish a shared organizational identity grounded in equity, inclusion, and social justice. Organizations are made up of individuals. Using a holistic and trauma-informed approach, we support teams to develop their individual self-awareness and emotional resilience to do hard work/ heart work.

Individual / Professional Consulting

Whether a new or seasoned professional, we can help you to establish a personal vision through self-awareness, and develop an action plan for fulfillment of your vision in your personal and professional life. Individual services follow a holistic and trauma-informed approach and include career counselling, leadership coaching, and personal development. Individuals will develop self-awareness and learn resiliency skills to find your inner advocate and live in alignment with your values. 

Land Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I am a Settler and I live and work on the traditional Lands of the Anishinnabe, Haudenosaunee, Wendat, and Attawandaron Peoples and the treaty territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit through the Between the Lakes Purchase (Treaty 3). Guelph is also within the Land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement which symbolizes the Land as the dish and the people as the spoon, taking only what they need, never taking the last of anything, and all being responsible for keeping the dish clean. I also want to acknowledge the enslaved people who were brought to Turtle Island against their will and who built the wealth that continues to be enjoyed by White Settlers today and whose ancestors continue to be disadvantaged by white supremacy. I want to recognize that these difficult colonial histories manifest in present-day realities for Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples and in ongoing white privilege here and around the world. In addition to the Indigenous Peoples and the treaties, I also want to acknowledge the Land itself and all the life on it. As a settler of privilege, one of the ways I try to honour the Land daily is by treading as lightly as possible on it – I do this through walking to work, and through the choices I make including what I eat and how I shop. I am in the ongoing process of decolonizing myself and have deep gratitude for this place and the Indigenous wisdom that is needed to protect it. I hope you will take the time to learn about the traditional territory where you live and work.