Leadership Consulting and Training Leadership Coaching Change Management Communication Plans Policy Development and Review

Organizational Consulting & Facilitation

With services and tools tailored to your unique needs, we support organizations to transform their culture, develop their leadership skills and competencies, and establish a shared organizational identity grounded in equity, inclusion, and social justice. Organizations are made up of individuals. Using a holistic and trauma-informed approach, we support teams to develop their individual self-awareness and emotional resilience to do hard work/ heart work.

Organizational Identity

The future survivability of our planet – environmentally, socially, politically, and economically – must become a priority for us as individuals and as organizations. Regardless of our field, these considerations must become part of our professional duty of care. Establishing a clear, values-based organizational identity is critical to fostering a committed, values-driven team who collaborate to achieve the organization’s goals. We help organizations to develop a shared vision and values that become touchstones as they navigate social, political, economic, and sectoral change, as well as critical incidents in the world. We facilitate strategic priority setting grounded in organizational values and work with teams to develop a plan to achieve objectives. By centering social justice and sustainability considerations, we help organizations to position themselves to be prosperous in a more just a livable future.

Specifically, we support organizations with:

  • Organizational visioning and direction-setting
  • Strategic priority setting and planning
  • Organizational statement development - crafting your shared mission, vision, and values
  • Organizing and facilitating inspiring staff development days according to your needs and priorities
  • Integrating social justice into the work of the organization
  • Creating an equitable and justice-oriented work environment
  • Organizational Storytelling
  • Setting and achieving organizational sustainability goals

  • Organizational Leadership

    Organizations and the public are evaluating performance based on new metrics that include social and environmental impact. The leaders needed for this transformational work must be prepared to embrace their positional power and use it for good - to empower others and to a foster a culture of belonging where good work happens. Through developing self-awareness and emotional resilience, and deepening understanding of their individual social location, we prepare leadership teams and individual leaders to lead from the heart, to be the change they wish to see in their organizations and the world, and to model courage and humility. Leaders will learn how to leverage their positional power to move from good intentions to maximum impact.

  • Leadership Consulting and Training
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Change Management
  • Communication Plans
  • Policy Development and Review

  • Organizational Culture

    Creating a culture of belonging fosters innovation by providing team members with the psychological safety to take risks. Drawing on the four foundations for early learning, we support teams to co-create an organizational culture that fosters belonging, well-being, engagement, and expression (Ministry of Education, 2014). The first step is understanding the culture that already exists – which can be a challenge for those most represented and served by it. By recognizing the ways the current culture serves and harms members of the organization, we can begin to transform it to one of belonging for all members. Teams learn strategies to address concerns with one another, tap into their humanity, and hold themselves and one another accountable with radical compassion. Teams come away empowered, engaged, and invested in their transformed culture and organization.

  • Team Building
  • Team Day Facilitation
  • Team Charters and Agreements
  • Culture Transformation

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